Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Creative Spotlight

Spotlight on groundbreaking, inspiring artists.

Justin BUA

(All work pictured is that of Justin BUA)
Justin BUA's work is a unique celebration of urban culture. Growing up during the evolution of hip hop in New York in the 70's and 80's, the culture surrounding him was his inspiration. The muti-talented artist, author, and director has managed to take the art of the hip-hop culture to new heights, with collaborations with large commercial retailers such as Target, opening his perspective to millions of people world wide. You can also find his work for sale online at Target, as well as numerous other online art print websites.

“I really feel like I’m a hip hop head to the bone, not from the academic-outsider point of view but from an insider-native New Yorker point of view. In a lot of ways I feel like I’m the court painter of hip hop.” - Justin BUA

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