Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bring It Back

Polaroid Camera

What's better than instant gratification? Nothing! And the Polaroid cameras of the 70s reassured us of that. Pose, snap, instant picture. No trips to the local drugstore, developing film. Prior to the creation of the best thing since sliced bread, digital cameras, Polaroids fed the needs of those who sought convience and quality... well, what was considered to be quality at the time. Now, Polaroids and other vintage cameras have began to make a comeback. Now you can buy new, vintage inspired Polaroid cameras that mimic Polaroids down to the vinyl picture quality and basic structure. Urban Outfitters have many different models to choose from at reasonable prices, the only hard part is deciding which one I want. Decisions...decisions. 

Would you put down your digital camera for a vintage Polaroid?

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