Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Bad" things that are good for your skin

Chocolate- Dark Chocolate in Particular, is high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect your skin and maintain a balanced PH. Dark chocolate is also low in Milk, which is said to interfere with the absorption of antioxidants in Chocolate. So the old myth, that chocolate can give you pimples... FALSE! Now you have an excuse to overdose!

Hemp- Okay people, we are not talking about the actual plant, but research has shown that hemp SEEDS have a remarkably high concentration of essential fatty acids ( Oils such as Omega3), which are not only essential in the support of the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and nervous system health, but are also so insanely moisturizing that it is even recommend for the treatment of Eczema. You can find hemp seed oil body and facial wash at many local beauty retailers.

Oil- Initially, when we first think of the word oil, we think about the greasy, gooky, yellow stuff sitting in a Tupperware bowl under our kitchen cabinets. The word oil has forever had a bad rep, but there are many oils that are essential in maintiaing healthy skin. Vitamin E, for example, is an oil that isn't a new concept to anyone. It softens skin, provides it with nutrients, and keeps it moisturized.

Honey- It is known for a fact, that direct sugar over time can cause your skin to become fragile and weaken, therefore many are skeptical when it comes to applying honey, which is a form of sugar, on their skin. What many are unaware of, is that honey is a humectant, which means it attracts moisture. Moisturizes are cleansers that contain honey are great for skin prone to dryness.

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