Monday, August 15, 2011

Venus vs. Mars

The article "Venus Vs. Mars" will be in circulation on my blog once a week. Yep, we're opening up a whole can with this one! Surveys, polls and discussions dedicated toward promoting an understanding of our male counterparts... well at least we can try!
She says He says...

Labels on your car, notebooks or other belongings that say "Princess", "Diva", "Queen", etc.

She says: These labels make me feel girly.
He says: She must be high maintenance.

Constant Calls, text messaging, and social media stalking

She says: I just want to show him I'm interested.
He says: She's probably clingy.

Discussions about future plans

She says: I want the guy I'm interested in to know what I'll be looking forward to in the future.
He says: Marriage... a house... Kids? Check please!

Fantasy Football

He says: It's like having your own dream team... doesn't get any better than that!
She says: How much are they paying you again?

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