Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A drab to FAB dorm room

                                               Guest post written by Chelsea Flannigan

While we were at my daughter's college for her freshman orientation a few weeks ago, we were able to go in and check out her dorm and saw a sample room. Well, we weren't all that impressed so we knew that we were going to have to really dress it up to make it feel like home for her. Since then we've been looking for deals online and at local vintage stores to find some really unique decorations to make her room feel like home.
A few nights ago I was online looking at floor lamps and while we were doing that, I ran across a site on satellite internet packages. After I read through it some, I decided to Click here and change over our home internet service to it.
We've found some really neat stuff, along with a tapestry, which will distract a bit from the drab color that they have the walls painted in there. If she had her way, she'd paint but that just isn't allowed in the dorms.

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